
Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹

I’m a software engineer with over 20 years experience. I did think I could write about the various technologies and packages I have experience with but it would be very dry to read, instead allow me to present my experience Gantt chart:

  theme: dark
  darkMode: true
    barHeight: 15
    titleTopMargin: 15
    fontSize: 12
    sectionFontSize: 14
    numberSectionStyles: 2
    leftPadding: 100
    barGap: 5
    title Experience Chart
    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    axisFormat %Y
    todayMarker off
    tickInterval 1year

    section Languages
    Today                 :milestone, today, 2024-12-02, 0d
    Pascal                :1997-09, 2y
    Visual Basic          :1998-09, 1y
    Java                  :1999-09, until today
    JavaScript            :2001-06, 14y
    Node                  :2014-01, until today
    TypeScript            :2019-01, until today
    Python                :2021-01, until today
    Go                    :2022-12, 30d
    kotlin                :2024-01, 30d

    section Platforms
    FileNet               :2006-07, 3y
    Documentum            :2009-01, 2y
    Adobe LiveCycle       :2010-09, 3M
    Palantir              :2011-01, 3y
    AWS                   :2015-01, until today
    section Databases
    Oracle                :2006-07-01, 2011-01-01
    SQLServer             :2010-09, 3M
    PostgresQL            :2011, until today
    RedShift              :2015-01-17, 2021-12-31

    section Tools
    CVS                   :2001-06-01, 2004-09-01
    Subversion            :2002-09-01, 2011-01-01
    Git                   :2010, until today
    GitHub              :2015-01-17, until today
    Eclipse               :2002-09-01, 2018-01-01
    IntelliJ              :2015-01-17, until today
    VS Code              :2019-01-01, until today
    PyCharm              :2021-01, until today

    section Productivity
    Office                :1996, until today
    GSuite                :2015, until today

This chart gives a flavour of the technologies and tools I’ve used over the years and I think it’s quite rich, it gives a flavour of what my current knowledge is, how long ago I used other technologies an for how long.